Dear San Francisco…

Parking Gods,

Why is it, that you act so nonchalant, totally laid back and like, “whatever”? Like, “Oh I’m so chill, I always have places for you to park.  Man, I will always do my best to accommodate you!”  When really, you’re more like “Haha little girl, I never have parking.  I would like to see you TRY to find a place to park in less than 45 minutes!” It’s as if you love to see the tortured souls driving around like idiots, hoping and wishing that a spot will open up so they can park.  Just when they think they’ve found a spot that’s open, they realize that someone else has already found that spot and is anxiously waiting to shimmy their way in, nice and cozy.

My beloved San Francisco, my dearest parking gods, I beg of you.  Please be nice to me when I come home! I would really appreciate not crying or yelling at my boyfriend as he desperately tries to talk me out of monster truck parking my car onto another car just so the madness can end.

Please, and thank you, and I love you.


Your most loyal automobile owner,


From The White House…

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for not poking fun at my Giants. Thank you, for not mentioning Brian Wilson’s beard, Timmy’s hair or strikingly hot body, or the fact that we’ve come a long way since New York…

OK, in all seriousness…How handsome are our Giants?!?!? I am very happy to report that not one Giants player has been struck with the ugly stick. I wish I could have been there, in that room to bask in the glory that is the World Championship of Baseball at THE WHITE HOUSE. WITH THE PRESIDENT! I do have to ask tho, Matt Cain – Why didn’t you smile at all??? Kruk, Kuip, Miller…Where are you???? Amy G? Flemming? Bip Roberts? Why didn’t they have better shots of all of the team? Seriously Mr. President, why can’t your media team show more than just 10 minutes??? I love my Giants, and I would like to see more of them, thank you very much!

From AZ to SF

This is what happens when you meet a girl while shit-wrecked at SF Breastfest. He doesn’t remember giving out his number, and no recollection of speaking to any girls…Good job my friend.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Pops It’s Your Birthday!

It’s days like these that remind me how lucky I am. Today my father is SEVENTY-ONE years old. 71! Damn, he’s old. 😉   We took him to a local restaurant for lunch, and enjoyed watching my 5 year old nephew freak out to Cars 2 trailers on the iPad. Not HIS iPad of course…Well, he THINKS it’s his. Back to my topic, me, lucky. I look at my father, whom I call Papa (as in paw-paw), and I feel as though I am the luckiest girl in the world, and no one else knows what it feels like to have a father. (of course, they do. But still.) My Papa is such a great guy. Always so positive, always so awesome. He has been supportive of me for 28 years, and will continue to be supportive and encourage for many, many years to come. He always knows how to make me smile, make me laugh. We share a love of watching cooking shows together, Sam Adams beer, and of course, arguing about politics. He’s Republican, and I’m well… He likes calling me a crazy leftest Liberal. Two peas in a pod, eh? No matter what, he’s my papa, and I love him like bread loves butter. With all of my butt. Because my butt is bigger than my heart. Hehehe 🙂

This August he says hello to his second grandchild, my new niece, Ellie Mia. Talking about a new child in the family makes his eyes sparkle, and I can tell he will spoil the crap out of this little girl. She will get to know his smile, the sparkle in his eye, the wrath of his tickling, and his list of nicknames that he never stops adding to.  And she will know his love. His never ending, unconditional (even when you say like Pelosi), and stronger than steel, love.

Papa, today you are 71, and still the #1 man in my life. I love you. Spending lunch with you today was a great way to start out the holiday weekend. Thank you!


Your Punkette