
                                                 (Photo courtesy of No Doubt)

If that could be me, instead of Dave Grohl. I would be such a happy girl!! You may not know this, (Shame on you for not!), however the two that are NOT Dave Grohl are my idols. I mean, I LOVE LOVE LOVE them.  I pray to my LAMB wallet while dancing and singing to Crazy and Janie’s Got a Gun. I swear.

Baby Giraffe Meets…Baby Giraffe!!!

                                  (photo courtesy of the San Francisco Giants)

Giants first baseman Brandon “Baby Giraffe” Belt meets his namesake! Thank you to the San Francisco Giants Facebook page for posting this photo! I just wish that the baby was at the San Francisco Zoo so that my bestie (who just happens to be the giraffe keeper there!) could have been the one to introduce them! 🙂